Sunday, January 31, 2010

When In Rome sales could help with Veronica Mars movie!

Kristen Bell confirmed on Twitter that seeing "When In Rome" could help make the Veronica Mars movie a reality, and not just a dream in the hearts of fans across the globe. Here are some of the things she had to say:

@IMKristenBell: VM fans-please see When in Rome this wknd! if the box office #s are high we have a better chance of being able 2 make a #veronicamars movie!

@IMKristenBell: @earljw box office number dictate a studios willingness to put another project on your back...or let you choose your next one.

@IMKristenBell: news study finds audience members of #wheninrome are 5 times more likely to be awesome. period. xoxo

@IMKristenBell: @luvtheheaven you rule thank you sooo much- believe it or not it WILL help our VM crusade!

I saw this movie on Saturday - and you won't be disappointed. I will say you can tell it was made by Disney, but it WAS funny, and there's nothing bad to be said about Kristen Bell. She was funny and heart-warming and was without a doubt the highlight of the movie. If you're a fan of hers, see it. Even if you don't like the romantic comedy genre, KB makes it totally and completely worth it. :)

xo Jackie xo

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